Unfortunately this isn't particularly convenient. in my case it was adb forward) then this may be your only option.

If you need some functionality that is only available via adb (e.g.

The Android distribution I'm using, LineageOS 14.1, comes with a built-in shell emulator that allows me to run commands found in /system/bin/ls. I suspect that Termux was designed to take into account the more restrictive shell execution policies that Google put into place after KitKat or the Android 4.X. But if it returns something like /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/applets/ls then you have to change your terminal emulator to something else. It should return something like /system/bin/ls. What you need to run the adb shell commands is a terminal emulator that can truly access the underlying Android file system, not just the Termux that is practically a chroot save for the fact that it's aware it's not running commands from the filesystem root /.Īs a simple test, run the following command: which ls By design, Termux runs only (or is mostly?) the Linux command line programs that you install from within Termux using apt or the newer "native" package management interface, e.g.