This Visual Storytelling Training Courses, workshops, classes, seminars, talks, programs, programmed, activities, lectures in Belize. training, class, seminar, talk, program, programmed, activity, lecture. This Visual Storytelling Training Course. It will give you simple tips to keep your videos and pictures relevant to the market to boost the audience and possibly sales. This course will guide individuals and marketers in using Visual Storytelling for future marketing advantages. Something people are always drawn to and will remember when they have availed of their product and services for the many years to come. They all touched on the subject of family, rescue, and life-changing journeys. They released promotional videos for their services and products. Samples of these creative companies are Airbnb, Google, Nike, Samsung, and, GoPro. International companies are catching up to this trend of Visual Storytelling. Since it resonates more emotionally with viewers and consumers, it is more likely to be remembered than words can. It, also, gets retained longer in our brain. It makes it easier to process difficult ideas. Visuals reduce the time for people to learn and understand concepts. In recent years, marketers are looking into visual storytelling to reach more audience. It was similar to the trend of content marketing in 2005. Despite being introduced in 2004, the terminology was documented to be growing popular in the last 3-years only. Visual storytelling is a new form of marketing strategy. At times, the posts are just photos depicting a very heartwarming scene or a beautifully captured landscape.

It could, also, be an advertising photo or clip that instigates Instagram users to immediately think of the positive effects of these products and services. These pictures may have an inspirational quote as a front line and a matching emotional photo at the background.

It is also a platform where businesses use the same media to lure customers to buy their products or services. The social media platform, Instagram, circulates mostly pictures or short clip videos to inform and let media goers communicate. It’s faster to understand and remember stories, events, and, concerns when presented in picture form. Around 65% of people are visual learners.